Point number 1 for most people is going to be the price. Fire=$199. NTablet=$249. That in itself puts BN at a serious disadvantage because bargain hunters and gift givers will be easily swayed by a much smaller price tag. I think it's also important to note that considering there are $99 cheapo tablets out there, people understand that Amazon is producing a top-quality product and therefore won't be opting for the NTablet on those grounds.
Both devices feature a 7" touchscreen. Fire weighs 14.6 ounces while the NTablet weighs 14.1oz. Lighter is better, but I'm wondering if the .5oz difference will be significant. Both devices will be easy to hold on your hand for extended periods of time.
The NTablet does have a few other pluses, and you'll have to decide for yourself if they warrant an extra $50 of your money. It comes with a microphone. There is slightly more memory (but none of Amazon's storage space). It comes pre-loaded with a few apps: Netflix, Hulu Plus, Pandora, Sudoku, and a couple other basic ones. Let's remember that Netflix will be available for the Fire and how to customize your pre-loaded apps.
There's also a major misconception that needs to be cleared up that BN is clearly pushing in their presentation of the device. According to them, all content you get for the Fire must come from Amazon. That simply isn't true. As with the Kindle, it's very easy to purchase books and documents other places and then use them with your device. The same will be true with the Fire. It'll be just as easy to load your own content onto your device or into Amazon's Cloud regardless of where you got it from.
So those are the highlights comparing the two devices. The Fire releases on the 15th and the Nook Tablet releases on Nov 18th. It'll be interesting to see what consumers choose!
Let's finish with the Free App of the Day.
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