Last holiday season, the Kindle 3 was the runaway hit holiday gift for the season. This year? It looks beyond a doubt that the Kindle Fire will be the most sought after item to give to relatives and loved ones.
Here are a few important statistics.
Out of all holiday shoppers, a whopping 70% are interested in getting tablet computers. Out of that group, 44% are already considering the Kindle Fire and only 12% refuse to get anything other than an iPad.
Then add this to the picture. Amazon ups its order for Fires through the end of the year to 5 million devices. That means Amazon will be coming on strong to immediately steal a huge chunk of the market for tablet computers. Considering last year's total tablet sales were about 17 million, that would be like Amazon coming out of the gate with a full third of the market. This year, tablet sales should jump to 63 million units, meaning that Amazon will start strong and have to continue to work to overcome Apple and stave off BN and other tablet makers.
Why are people choosing the Kindle Fire this holiday season? It's not hard to guess. The incredibly low price, Kindle's renowned quality, the Fire's impressive technical specs. I might sound biased, but this is going to be an incredible device that will be everywhere this holiday season.
And...the Free App of the Day.
Rating: 3.7 stars over 41 reviews
Price: 0.00
Analysis: It's not hard to figure out what a game like this is about. Playing as a shark, it's a non-stop chomp fest of epic proportions. Chomp, feed, and give in to your gluttonous desires on all manner of sea creatures. Looks like a blast and reminds me of playing Jaws on the NES as a kid!