Bejeweled 2: Today's Free App of the Day 11/16

Another day, another several hundred thousand Kindle Fires getting to people's homes across America. If you've got your Fire, we hope you enjoy it. If you're waiting patiently, we hope it gets to you soon (it's been crazy how early people are getting their deliveries). If you don't have one coming to you, FIX THAT!

Here's what's on tap for today at Kindle Fire Dept.

Now: Free App of the Day
Midday: News and a look at some common problems people are having.
Late Afternoon: A Few Great Game Apps!

Name: Bejeweled 2
Rating: 3.3 stars over 57 reviews
Price: 0.00
Description: Bejeweled is back! The casual game that became a phenomenon a few years ago on the Web returns with this engaging sequel from the folks at PopCap Games. As you may know by now, Bejeweled is an immensely popular matching puzzle game with a great interface and addicting gameplay.

Analysis: The first time I saw Bejeweled was almost a decade ago, and it completely trashed everything I knew about gaming. It was just a new kind of Tetris. No amazing graphics, no long, drawn out levels or stories. But here's the thing: people couldn't stop playing it. This is the sequel to the game that invented casual gaming, and here's your chance to find out what it's all about.

Get your free copy of Bejeweled 2!